WEBBER, Vera Edna 1924-2012

WEBBER, Vera Edna 1924-2012

Born: 17 Feb. 1924 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada Married: 27 Feb. 1954 in New York City, New York, United States to Robert William Keene Died: 12 June, 2012 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Family Profile: Family Genes Vera Edna Webber was born February 17, 1924 in...

McPHAIL, Agnes Roe 1886-1937

Agnes was the daughter of Archibald McPhail, a mining engineer from Cape Breton. The McPhail family had just escaped the massive rock avalanche at Frank, Alberta in the Spring of 1903, where some 90 people were buried by the partial collapse of Turtle Mountain.
Family Genes