William Morris
Born: August 1812 at Cuddesdon, Oxford, England
Married: 31 Oct 1838 to Mary McSpadden
Died: 17 Apr 1876, Caledon Twp., Peel County, Ontario, Canada
Family Tree: Edward MORRIS in Family Genes
Contributor: Earl Morris
Early Years of William Morris
Parents of William:
- Father: Edward Morris
- Mother: Elizabeth Hughes
The information that I have indicates that William was born in England before his parents emigrated to Canada – probably about 1817. The first sibling born after that was Martha in 1819. Mary McSpadden, according to my sources was born in Ireland.
- Elizabeth MORRIS,
- Edward A. MORRIS
- George MORRIS
- Joseph H. MORRIS
- Samuel Alfred MORRIS
- William George MORRIS
- Mary J. MORRIS
- Amelia (Dolly) MORRIS
- Henrietta (Hattie) MORRIS
- Julia MORRIS
- John Luther MORRIS